AI News

Real World AI: A Weekly Peek into Today’s Tech

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In this week’s AI news, we explore significant developments shaping the technology landscape. Harvard dropouts have raised $120 million for their startup Etched, which aims to compete with Nvidia’s AI chips using customized, hard-wired ASICs. Meanwhile, Microsoft continues to offer AI services in Hong Kong even as OpenAI restricts API access from China. Additionally, NBC has persuaded Al Michaels to use an AI clone of his voice for Olympics coverage, highlighting the advancements in AI voice technology.

Join us in the full blog post for more insights, including the future of freelance jobs in an AI-driven world and Google Translate’s language expansion.

AI in the News

Harvard dropouts raise $120 million to take on Nvidia’s AI chips: Etched CEO Gavin Uberti said the startup is betting that as AI develops, most of the technology’s power-hungry computing requirements will be filled by customized, hard-wired chips called ASICs.

Microsoft maintains AI services in Hong Kong, as OpenAI curbs API access from China. The US tech giant has been offering eligible Hong Kong customers access to OpenAI tools such as ChatGPT since last year.

How NBC Convinced Al Michaels to Embrace His AI Voice for Olympics Coverage: The network will use an artificial clone of the legendary broadcaster’s voice to narrate its daily recaps of the summer event. “It was not only close,” he says of the technology, “it was almost 2% off perfect.”

Will AI replace freelance jobs? The reality is far more complex and hopeful, emphasizing collaboration over replacement.

Travelers, rejoice: Google Translate adds 110 new languages, thanks to AI. It’s the largest expansion to date.

Cool Tools

AI Edit by Captions – Watch as AI edits your videos for you.

Ario – AI assistant for busy parents.

Meco – Move your newsletters to a space built for reading and declutter your inbox in seconds.

OpenRead – Offers intuitive ways of engaging research documents.

Thank you for spending part of your week with us as we continue to explore the ever-changing AI landscape. Please join us again next week, when we’ll delve into more innovations and stories at the heart of AI’s progress. See you then!