Rechat AI Innovators: Agent AI Training with Thomas Kyle Flinn

Today we’ll chat about AI and agent training with Thomas Kyle Flinn, Rechat’s Lead Customer Success Trainer. Thomas brings an enormous amount of passion to his post, having started his real estate career in 2011 as an unpaid intern and continuously working his way up to his current position. He obtained his real estate salesperson license in 2017 and remains a practicing real estate agent today, adding real world experience and insights to his work at Rechat.
“That’s what sets my training and coaching apart from just being a technology trainer,” he explained. “I know why you should push a button, not just how to push a button. I know I’ve done my job well when a fellow agent makes more money, when that lightbulb goes off for them and when they become more successful.”
Thomas goes on to explain about his experiences training agents and introducing them to Lucy, Rechat’s AI-powered assistant.
What are your favorite features about using Lucy with transaction forms?
Thomas: Honestly, I love the idea of not having to run to my broker/manager every time I have a question about something. Having Lucy built into my transaction forms and being able to have questions answered in a clear, simple and easy-to-understand manner that’s also super fast is extremely beneficial to an agent’s business. Let’s face it, while agents are supposed to know the documents they use inside and out, it’s a lot to know and the forms continuously update. Lucy updates with them and will answer nearly any question you might have about any form, and that’s huge!
As a trainer, what do you think the obstacles are for agents to use AI to their advantage? In what ways might they be intimidated and how do you overcome that with training?
Thomas: For many of us, regardless of industry, prior experience, tech-savviness or expectation, we need to find trust in using AI. I was, and still am sometimes skeptical of AI. I also have been pushing myself to learn more about it, try new things, put my trust in it more. Perfect example, oftentimes my brain moves faster than my fingers and I need help making my words make sense, Lucy and AI can help with that! My biggest piece of advice to anyone nervous about getting started with AI, try it! It will absolutely blow your mind what it’s capable of.
Are you seeing agents already experiment with Lucy when they work with transaction forms? Have you been surprised at all by what you’ve seen so far in terms of agent use/interest?
Thomas: Absolutely! While we always say Lucy isn’t an attorney and doesn’t know the governing law where you are, Lucy can read a document faster than anyone I know, comprehend it and deliver a thorough and accurate answer to nearly any question. Best part? Lucy isn’t a human and doesn’t need to spend time with her family, eat dinner, take vacations and doesn’t get tied up in meetings! Why does that matter? Lucy is always available to answer your questions, while my broker or manager may not be. I think the biggest surprise to me is the questions agents who have been in the business for years and years might ask Lucy. It’s proof that Lucy matters, and Lucy is here to help even the most experienced agent.
What do you see as the most exciting ways that Lucy will be able to help agents in the future?
Thomas: Creativity and automation, hands down. As a real estate professional, we’re expected to be 24/7 experts on contracts, marketing, negotiation, impeccable follow-up, super-admins and more. Lucy helps agents become those things more easily. You can ask Lucy to write a property description, pull comps for a listing, build a CMA, find properties your buyer might be searching for, create property marketing, write blog posts and more. Best part is it takes nearly no time at all, and that’s incredible!
What challenges do you face overall in helping agents adopt new features or even basic Rechat features?
Thomas: Agents often feel they’re trying to boil the ocean when they hear the words “contacts”, or “sphere of influence”, or “database.” Rechat and Lucy makes it so incredibly easy to enhance and build your business, regardless of how long or short you’ve been in the industry. My biggest recommendation to any agent who values their business is to talk to 5 contacts a day, log their activity, add contact notes, stalk them, and build a relationship with them. You’ll be surprised at how your business changes. Not every conversation you have needs to be about a house: Building a relationship should be your number one priority. Rechat and Lucy helps make that possible through automation, reminders, total database management and more.
Watch a video about Rechat’s AI-powered assistant Lucy here: